Online Game Ideas For Interspersed Virtual Events


Nowadays online activities have become commonplace for some people. Such as schools, lectures, training and webinars. Even though it was done virtually, it didn't hold back the excitement of the event, it could even be as interesting as an outbound game in the real world.


Online activities can also be interspersed with interesting games to keep participants enthusiastic. What virtual event ideas can be played online? Check out the following explanation!


1. Hands Up Game

This game is done to get to know each other. Before the game starts, the moderator or MC makes a few simple statements. The goal of the game is to find the participant who survives to the end. Here's an example statement:

"I once broke up with a girlfriend for reasons to focus on questions"

“I have lived abroad”

"I once accidentally hit the like button when I was checking someone's Instagram account"


2. Truth or Lies

This game is played between groups. Each group needs to provide a statement about each group member

This game serves as a means of entertainment and getting to know each other. The moderator has the role of directing the game and managing the break room


3. Connect Stories

Storytelling games are done individually. The hope is that with this game, participants will not get bored.

The game is very simple, but students should pay attention from the start. If you don't remember, you will be punished.


4. Guess the Picture

Guess the picture is a very easy game, simple but fun. Although it is a drawing game, participants do not have to have reliable painting skills.

Sentences must consist of a subject, predicate and adverb to facilitate


5. Guess the Song

Listening to songs is fun. Through the song can be used as a game.

If you want to make it more complicated, a moderator can set up a Google Voice voice or an English translation. The game can be divided into three rounds, namely guessing the song with the intro, Google Voice voice, and subtitles.


6. Something that represents you

This ice breaking aims to get to know the participants.

Games can indeed change the atmosphere to be more enthusiastic. It is hoped that the presence of an ice breaker can break the atmosphere so that training or learning is fun. Participants are not bored and easily absorb knowledge.


This is an explanation of game virtual ideas that can be done online. Even though it's online, it never hurts to make an event that is fun and interesting.